

After a full year of freelancing, working on a consulting startup, doing a small amount of carpentry, and writing a lot of fiction, I will be moving with my wife Mary (along with dog Cassie and cats Butternut & Gilly) to Ithaca this upcoming August, where and when I'll begin the MFA program in fiction at Cornell.

The funding, which is perhaps the best in the country and for which I am impossibly grateful, will allow me to really make a go at a career in creative writing--mostly fiction, with a few pinches of essay and a pinch of poetry thrown in. I'll get to teach, work as an editor at the literary magazine Epoch, and spend a lot of time writing exactly what I want to.

As such, I am reformatting the site a little. In addition to the About page, there will be a Publications page*, a Commercial Writing page--I am still working on some projects and would love to find more projects with exciting clients--and this page, a blog that I will update, if history is any indication, very sporadically. 

*which at the moment contains only the essay I published with PopMatters last fall. But I've got two stories--"The Firmament" and "Big"--out on submission as well as a poem, "Helsinki, November 2022." May they eventually find a home. 

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